On-going funding

Grant: K99/R00 MD0169640
Funding Source: NIH/NIMHD
Date(s): 12/01/2021-12/31/2026
Role: PI
This is a transitional award to perform a comprehensive computational analysis of genetic and regulatory differences between individuals with African and European ancestries across four brain regions.
MOSAIC Scientific Society: The Association of American Medical Colleges

Past funding

Grant: T32 MH015330
Funding Source: NIH/NIMH
Date(s): 06/01/2019-05/31/2021
Role: Postdoctoral Fellow
This Interdisciplinary Training Program in Psychiatry and Neuroscience provides postdoctoral research training in areas relevant to the neurobiological bases of mental disorders. The close interaction with the Lieber Institute provides additional training opportunities with large-scale postmortem genetic and regulatory studies.

Grant: CVM Advanced Developmental Training Travel Award
Funding Source: Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
Date(s): 05/01/2015-08/31/2015
Role: PI
This is a travel award to attend the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Drosophila Neurobiology Course ($2500).

Grant: Great Lakes National STEM Scholarship
Funding Source: Great Lakes
Date(s): 07/01/2014
Role: PI
This is a scholarship program for individuals in the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) open to high school students, college students, and graduate students ($2500).

Grant: CVM Graduate Student Research Trainee Grant
Funding Source: Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
Date(s): 05/01/2014
Role: PI
This is a graduate student research trainee grant for research and supplies to generate preliminary data ($5000).

Grant: WSGI Graduate Traineeship
Funding Source: Texas A&M Institute for Genome Sciences and Society (WSGI)
Date(s): 09/01/2013-08/31/2014
Role: PI
This is a competitive graduate traineeship that supports half of salary for computational analysis of 50 idiopathic Angelman Syndrome patients.